Happy Solstice June 2023Today, June 21st marks the first day of SUMMER and the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. In 1996, it was also named National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day for all Canadians to recognize, celebrate and honour the history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis across Canada.Here is a LIST of 21 things we can do today and beyond to honour the original peoples of this country and also to acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices Indigenous Peoples have made.Monuments like the great pyramids and Stonehenge were built to measure time and so the four markers of the season—summer and winter solstices, fall and spring equinoxes—could be pinpointed.It is a potent time of manifestation through self-reflection.UMAMI MIXWe are excited to introduce our most addictive trail mix yet.Our sprouted almonds, pumpkin & sunflower seeds are paired with sesame seeds, local wild crafted seaweed and just the right combination of seasonings to keep you coming back for more…..Umami is the ‘essence of deliciousness’ in Japanese. Known as the 5th taste, it is often described as that oh-so-good flavour you can’t quite put your finger on. Share if you enjoy! Facebook X LinkedIn Pinterest