Nasturtium Pesto A creative PESTO Recipe is inspired by our friends at Hollyhock. Their latest BOOK is one of our favourites and with the abundance of nasturtiums in our Garden, this has been a staple with Almond Rosemary RAWgles YES, RAWgles, delicious bread, cracker, flatbread alternatives for those who seek gluten-free, raw, vegan, and sprouted goodness! Yum! This pesto recipe is made with nasturtium leaves filled with Vitamin C and carries antibiotic properties. Native to South America, the plants were brought up to North America for their fantastic health benefits, and their beauty! If you would like to learn more about Nasturtiums, this Post offers great help! PRINT RECIPE MAKES 2 CUPS INGREDIENTS 4 cups packed nasturtium leaves, plus a handful of nasturtium flowers 1 cup mix sprouted sunflower & pumpkin seeds 3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 lemons or limes juiced 4 cloves garlic 1/4 tsp Himalayan crystal salt fresh cracked pepper to taste MINDFUL PREPARATION Combine everything in a food processor until smooth. Keeps in the fridge for up to 1 week Purchase hOMe Grown Living Foods ingredients for your recipe: Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds Sprouted Sunflower Seeds Share if you enjoy! Facebook X LinkedIn Pinterest