Raw Cacao Nibs

2 customer reviews - Write a review

Certified Organic ~ Grown in Peru

1 Lb

$ 15.00

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The other reason CHOCOLivies, CHOCO MUNCHeez and CHOCObuckwheaties are so divine!!

Cacao is one of the most antioxidant-rich foods on the planet! It contains high levels of magnesium, iron and fiber to name a few. Full of alkaloids, omega 3 fatty acids & vitamin C. The list goes on and on…..

Great in any recipe calling for chocolate chips, sprinkled on cereal, in smoothies or straight from the bag for a nutritious snack.

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2 reviews for Raw Cacao Nibs

  1. P

    Reviewed by:


    These are the best and I’m addicted to them now. Thanks so much for ALL the great food!

  2. J

    Reviewed by: (verified owner)


    When I am not using these delicious and nutritious cacao nibs in my snack mixes, I will toss a few on top of a bowl of oatmeal or cereal. I also love to eat them straight out of the bag. A little palm-full is enough to quell a hunger pang!l

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