Giving Back: Raincoast Conservation Foundation

Water, earth, plants, animals, and nature are deeply rooted in our being and cause for many of our creations. Yearning to understand more about preserving natural habitats is what led us to Raincoast Conservation Foundation. We partnered with RCF because we believe in the importance of this work presently and in the future.

Who is Raincoast Conservation?

Based out of British Columbia, RCF is comprised of advocates for the survival of our coastal habitats. We appreciate the enormous amount of time and energy RCF puts into educating and supporting the public on habitat conservation.


Our vision for coastal BC is to protect habitats and resources of umbrella species. We believe this approach will help ensure survival of all species and ecological processes that exist at different scales.


Investigate to understand coastal species and processes

Inform by bringing science to decision makers and communities.

Inspire action to protect wildlife and their wilderness habitats.

What they do and WHY it’s important

Focusing on education, regeneration, protection and preservation of habitats along the West Coast of BC. Raincoast is working towards a sustainable future for coastal life. Being solution minded folks, we want to bring awareness to the people who are IN it, boots on the ground creating and causing change. The programs, stewardships, and conservation efforts ongoing are helping to create a sustainable future for many species on the coast of B.C.

Nature has been under attack for decades, and we are only now beginning to really understand the total impact this is having on our environments.

Raincoast is able to act quickly on efforts needing implementation and alteration as they collect data in real time. Using the relationships between scientists, First Nations, local communities and NGO’s has created support for decisions to protect rainforest and habitat alike.

Animals, marine life, forests, and marine habitats are some of the conservation efforts RCF is working on. Having worked towards habitat and protection goals since 1990, their presence on the ground has given a deep-rooted understanding of the coastline.

Using informed advocacy to further conservation efforts with peer reviewed science and community engagement. This research model is unique to Canada. A research lab, field research station and a research/sailing vessel allow Raincoast to gather important information about the coastline. The information is used to create education and awareness around impact to habitats and inhabitants.

Water conservation

The Fraser River watershed’s unique salmon and steelhead populations were considered at risk of EXTINCTION in 2018. Species such as Pacific salmon, interior and coastal populations of steelhead and trout travel these waters.

Because of conservation efforts made by Raincoast today the river supports dozens of unique populations, and remains one of the world’s most active salmon rivers. Without the information and research provided by Raincoast, these species could be at even greater risk for extinction.

How you can help

You can help “be the change” by volunteering with Conservation efforts, donating to their causes and educating yourself and others. As we put our resources towards these campaigns, we are helping shape the world we live in.

To learn more about other ways to support Raincoast Conservation at

We are incredibly grateful for the work Raincoast is doing to protect our natural habitats, thank you!

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