Golden Pumpkin Spice Latte What better way to honour the changing of the Season than this beautiful Fall inspired, nutrient powerhouse cold weather beverage? Perfect for a chilly Fall day to warm your hands and nourish your body. With fall in full swing, it’s definitely pumpkin season! Try this healthy, anti-inflammatory, homemade pumpkin spice latte recipe from our friends at HARMONIC ARTS Added bonus: Their GOLDEN MYLK contains Turkey Tail as well as ginger, to help support your immune system and stay healthy this cold season! You’ll Need: 1 C Milk, or Milk substitute of choice1/2 C Strong Coffee2 tbsp Pumpkin Puree1 tsp Harmonic Arts Raw Honey, or a dash of Stevia1 tsp Harmonic Arts Golden Mylk Elixir1/2 tsp Vanilla1/2 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice (plus a sprinkle for the top!)Whipped Cream for topping (optional)Cinnamon Stick for garnish (optional) PRINT RECIPE Directions: 1. Heat milk on med heat just until it starts to steam – don’t boil it! 2. Add milk, and the rest of the ingredients to a jar and either blend with an immersion blender until frothy, or put a lid on and shake it until frothy. **Caution: when you shake up something hot there will be a bit of pressure, watch for spitting when you shake and/or take off the lid! 3. Pour into your favourite mug, top with whipped cream and sprinkle with pumpkin pie spice Top with a cinnamon stick for stirring. Share if you enjoy! Facebook X LinkedIn Pinterest